ZooBot commands Args: ( ) = optional [ ] = must Description
!profile (tag) Shows your profile.
!buy field [field number] Buy a field (section).
!buy animal [animal name] Buy an animal for your field (section).
!sell animal [animal name] Sell an animal for 80% of the cost.
!bal (tag) Shows your balance.
!animals (number) Shows the layout of the animals, cost and hourly payout.
!fields Shows the layout of the fields and cost.
!daily Collect your daily money from the boutique.
!fish Try and fish for some money!
!guess A fun guessing game.
!prestige Level up!
!leaderboard Shows the top 10 players with the most money.
General commands Args: ( ) = optional [ ] = must Description
!help [zoobot/general/admin] Shows the help page.
!invite Shows the invite link to the support server and the bot.
!info Shows information about how the bot works.
!startup Shows information about what to do on first join.
Admin commands Args: ( ) = optional [ ] = must Description
!prefix [newprefix] Changes the prefix.
!set announce [on/off] Sets the hourly announcement on or off.
!set channel [channel ping] Sets the hourly announcement channel.
!set role [prestige number 1-5] [role ping] Sets the role for the specified prestige number 1-5.
!settings Shows all the current settings.

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